Meet one of the new owners of Warrior Brewing Company

Meet one of the new owners of Warrior Brewing Company

Starting May 1st Warrior Brewing Company will be under new ownership in Lincoln Park.

Starting May 1st Warrior Brewing Company will be under new ownership in Lincoln Park. Ben Anderson and his wife will be the ones buying the brewery but say one of the former owners will be around too.

Ben owns Eddie’s Restaurant in Superior and says of of the main draws to buy the company was to work in Lincoln Park.

He says, “Yeah Lincoln Park is growing it’s getting big which is great. So it’s kind of that comradery I think too, between all the breweries and all the restaurants, that is good.”

Ben mentions that the plans going forward for Warrior Brewing Company include making the space feel more welcome, booking more musicians to play at their space, and to bring the beer selection back to its roots.

One things for sure, the veteran and first responder pride will still be a staple of Warrior’s. As Ben is a former first responder himself. The new team will be looking to give back to those groups in the future.

Ben Anderson mentions that as things are being squared away the other Twin Ports breweries are supporting them through this transition. Another reason as to why they are excited to be owners of Warrior Brewing Company.

“The group that is micro brew in the twin ports really is strong. And for us, to kind of join that family is something we are really looking forward to.”