Expensive utility bills caused by high demand

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Well if you are in the Twin Ports you might have you noticed your utility bills becoming more expensive lately.

"We usually anticipate higher bills in the winter but this year certainly higher than normal”, says Harper Brickson from Superior Water, Light & Power.

The main contributor to higher prices is believed to be the demand of natural gas. The company says the demand has spiked this month and it’s reflective in your utility bill.

The price represents the company purchasing the materials needed to supply you with power. Businesses opening up again has caused for more demand and there seem to be other national factors going to this as well.

Brickson says, "So we had a little bit of a mismatch in regards to that rising demand and how much production we had to serve our customers. And those global markets, local markets, production impacts, unexpected storms even in the south impact us and our supply here locally."

They say the best thing customers can do is to call their provider to have a conversation about how much energy they are using. There are other resources available as well to help people manage their spending.

But it’s important to always remain on top of things. Brickson says, “The worst things for customers to do is to not pay their bill. Not paying your bill and then waiting to do a big catch up in the spring is not going to land folks in a position to be successful with payments in the summer months.”