A holiday celebration for the men at Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge

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Friday marked a special night for the men of Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge.

Since the men wouldn’t be able to spend the holidays with their families the charity did something special for them.

Treatment Director Becky Revier says, “This is a time for us to come together, have a sober holiday, and just really celebrate the victories they have made and just pour out on them and love on them.”

The challenge team threw a holiday feast complete with presents and carols to keep the season special!

As the men make their brave journeys through addiction recovery, Christmas can still be a hard time for them. Revier says, “So often in recovery people don’t have good memories of holidays.”

Spiritual Care Manager Nick Olson says, “This is just our way of wanting to make this a special time for our clients. That they know they are loved. And this is a way we can do an act of service to be able to feed them, make the night really special and dress up the gym and we just go all out to show them that they have value purpose and meaning to their life.”

And if you’d like to stop in, the men will be putting on a Christmas Concert at redemption ministry on Sunday December 19th.