Check out the Ride the Edge fundraiser and support the new Wilderness Trail

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The Wilderness Wheelers are excited about the new Wilderness Trail in Itasca County. 44 miles of it will be open soon.

“It’s a big loop, so people can ride this trail and never see the same scenery,” shared Julie Tracy, club member. “Business owners wanted us to get a trail to the doors. This one connects northern communities together.”

Julie Tracy is also the fundraiser coordinator for the first annual Ride the Edge Fundraiser and Membership Drive.

It’s coming up on Saturday the 22nd at Lawrence Lake Liquor, from 3-7pm. Enjoy food, silent auction meat raffle, split-the-pot, bake sale, and dollar raffles.

All proceeds will support ATV trail maintenance and expansion.

The Wheelers already maintain the 33 mile B&B Connection Trail.

For more information about the club: