2nd annual Lions STRIDES for Diabetes rally coming up Saturday at St. Scholastica
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34 million Americans are living with diabetes. And more troubling than that, is that 1 in 5 don’t even know they have it.
That’s why the Lions Clubs International focuses on this, and wants to people to have awareness of and support others who have the disease.
The Duluth Lions Club has their 2nd annual Lions STRIDES for Diabetes rally in Duluth. It’s this Saturday, September 9th, from 8a-12pm.
It’s at a new location this year, Somers Lounge at St. Scholastica.
Come get your glucose screened for free, just don’t eat before hand.
Learn about the latest research efforts and visit vendors who offer products and services.
Eric Schlacks, the co-chair of the diabetes committee of the Duluth Lions Club, shared, “Researchers are getting closer and closer to a cure. Raising money to help is something very important, and it gives people a chance to do something about diabetes.”
The walk itself is a 1 kilometer loop.
Proceeds go to the Minnesota Lions Diabetes Foundation, Inc.
For more information: https://secure.qgiv.com/event/lionsstridesfordiabetes2023/