Duluth sees trends of a healthy market as retailers grow in the city

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With Target’s new proposed expansion and Costco opening soon, many in Duluth are excited for the retail growth on the way! But is this a trend that businesses across Duluth both big and small are seeing?

Adam Fulton, Deputy Director of Planning and Economic Development says, “Well we have retail expansion happening in Duluth and it’s mirroring national trends that are sort of indicative of a healthy market."

A new wave of healthy market activity spreading throughout Duluth for big and small business.
Fulton says, "I think we are seeing a trend that is generally supportive of retail activity in Duluth and what really is driving this is national activity and the continual shift to online retailing.”

And while this is happening retailers are taking chances and applying themselves to Duluth. Fulton says, “At the same time that’s happening you’ve got sort of very important brick and mortar activity that happens at places like target and as will happen at Costco. But that’s happening in tandem with development that’s happening in our neighborhoods."

And for economic development in places like the Craft District, the feedback from business owners is positive. Owner Karin Kraemer of Duluth Pottery and Tile is seeing the benefits in her store. She says, "It’s been wonderful! Even with a pandemic, things have been really happening down here. And I’ve watched more and more businesses start up here or move to this area."

Adam Fulton contributing the trends to this achievement saying, “And so we are seeing small scale retail investment in places like Lincoln Park, in places like spirit valley. Where there is still a strong level of demand for retail and a need for those neighborhood retail type services."

And according to the city, they don’t expect retail expansion to stop anytime soon. Fulton says, "You know I think we can continue to expect there will be additional proposals and you especially in our neighborhood areas where there is a strong level of demand for retail, places where there is sort of not am adequate service for retail you know we have a strong retail corridor in the mall and a few other areas in the city. And then we have areas of the city that are under served for retail as you generally head west."

The city says they are excited for the reinvestment that retailers are giving to properties and that they get multiple inquiries from businesses daily, but no big names have popped up just yet.