Vaccines: What’s New, What’s Next

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Dr. Anthony Fauci and ABC’s chief medical correspondent, Dr. Jen Ashton sat down for a one-on-one interview as part of "Vaccines: What’s New, What’s Next," a virtual town hall special event provide through ABC News. The two discussed the latest updates of COVID-19 variants, vaccines, and booster shots.

Following their one-on-one, Ashton will be joined by a panel of experts to continue the conversation and answer questions about COVID-19.

Ashton was joined by Heidi Arthur, chief campaign development officer with the Ad Council, Arthur oversees the nonprofit organization’s COVID-19 vaccine education initiative, Rita Carreón, vice president for health at UnidosUS, Carreón oversees the organization’s strategic direction in health, Dr. Mara Minguez, pediatrician and assistant chief medical officer for community affairs at New York Presbyterian/Columbia, and assistant clinical professor of pediatrics and public health at Columbia University, Dr. Minguez is board-certified in pediatrics and adolescent medicine, Dr. Angelica Kottkamp, assistant professor in the Department of Medicine at NYU, and Dr. Kottkamp is an infectious disease specialist.

The town hall, hosted by the ABC Owned Television Stations is an event to provide information and to offer guidance on issues like talking to vaccine-hesitant family and friends.