Gov. Walz visits Denfeld High School; discusses $1.2 billion in funding for education

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After an unprecedented year in education everywhere, Minnesota leaders praised students and staff for their resiliency and ingenuity during a visit at Denfeld High School Tuesday.

“At the center of every community is their public school and strong public schools like Denfeld,” Governor Tim Walz said.

The goal of the visit was to highlight an incoming $1.2 billion in funding for education across the state.

“That is the highest amount in over 15 years,” Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan said.

The money will come from the state’s recently passed $52 billion budget. In Duluth, it will go towards enhancing summer programming and closing opportunity gaps, like transportation.

“We have for the first time, transportation for all of our students that need transportation to summer school program,” John Magas, Superintendent of Duluth Public Schools said.

This year, enrollment in summer school has doubled with over 320 students attending. One of these students is senior, Shayla Greensky, who shared what summer school meant to her.

“I’m really glad that I’m able to come to summer school because I was really worried about honestly not being able to graduate,” Greensky said. “It was really nice that I have an opportunity to come back here so I am able to graduate on time.”

Mayor Emily Larson, who’s mom was a teacher and who’s children attended Duluth Public Schools praised the legislature and Governor for approving the funding.

“I feel so proud to live in a state that is prioritizing the needs of families and kids, that recognizes how important education is, that believes we can get kids to that finish line because that finish line in the starting line of where they are going to go next,” Larson said.

Duluth is one of four stops on the governor’s tour, but the only one in Northeastern Minnesota.