State budget includes bill that will benefit OSB project

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The Minnesota State Budget, passed Wednesday morning, included a bill that gives financial support, up to $3 million per year for 10 years, to the Oriented Strand Board manufacturing plant project in Cohasset.

Proponents of the bill say the legislation will help bring hundreds of direct and indirect jobs to the area.

The OSB project was recently approved to receive $15 million in funding from the Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation Board.

Senators Justin Eichorn, Tom Bakk and David Tomassoni each co-authored the provision and released the following statement:

“I’m really excited for the opportunities this brings not only for Cohasset, but for the entire region,” Eichorn said. “Supporting good-paying Northern Minnesota jobs is something I have been fighting for and I hope everyone supports. I am grateful to be able to help shepherd this project through the IRRRB and the legislative process. I look forward to seeing the construction of this new plant and welcoming all the workers to Cohasset.”