Twin Ports Rugby Club invites people to learn the game

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Rugby is a sport that is slowly growing in the Northland. With a strong passion from fans, players, and local club teams.

"I’m playing with the University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) alumni team. It is definitely in a rebuilding phase right now because it is a club sport. There definitely is a lot of networking opportunities with alumni, even after your done playing if your looking for a job. There just is a ton of support from previous alumni," said UMD alumni Kyle Christensen.

"I think the coolest thing about rugby especially here in the United States, is you can join not knowing a single thing. It is a really great community, people are very inviting in my experience and have know problem teaching you from the ground up. If you just want to stay active, or just be social, I would encourage you to look into you nearest rugby team," added Red River Ruffians player Ty Filley.

The Twin Ports Rugby Club is always looking for new players, as even St. Scholastic and UMD have rugby programs that are the main source of players for the club.

The team also invites new players age 18 and older to open practices. With no prior experience required, that are held Wednesdays from 7:00p.m-8:30p.m at the fields adjacent to the Hermantown YMCA, at 4289 Ugstad Rd.

To connect with the team call Paul Castillo at 716.604.7170 or CLICK HERE for the teams Facebook page.