Results are in on the 40th Avenue West corridor study

Results of the 40th Avenue West corridor study were announced at a public meeting hosted by St. Louis County Public Works on Thursday June 27th.

At the meeting recommendations were given for the reconstruction of a portion of 40th Avenue West in Duluth, from the railroad tracks near 9th Avenue down the hill to Grand Avenue, including the intersection of 40th Avenue West and Grand Avenue.

On the roadway itself, they recommended a raised median down the center of 40th Avenue West, a four-lane to a three-lane conversion, and a 10-foot dedicated multi-use path, a six-foot sidewalk.

They also recommended the converting the intersection of Grand and 40th, which is currently operated and controlled by a traffic signal, into a mini roundabout.

“Every roadway has a life expectancy. This section of 40th Avenue West, the county-owned section from the river crossing to Grand Avenue is at the end of its service life,” said St. Louis County Traffic Engineer Victor Lund. “We’re going to implement something that we have to live with for the next 30-plus years. Let’s do it right.”

More information about this project and others being completed by St. Louis County Public Works can be found here.