New developments in the fight against Alzheimer’s coming out during conference

More developments in a blood test for diagnosing Alzheimer’s

Work continues to wage a fight against Alzheimer's, and more research is being unveiled this week.

An exciting time for research into Alzheimer’s.

Scientists are sharing the latest results of drug and non-drug treatment trials, new methods for early detection, and illuminating data on risk factors at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Philadelphia.

One key highlight is about the success of a blood test to help diagnose earlier.

“It’s very exciting that these are proving more accurate and are faster than going through the other diagnostic tests,” shared Heidi Haley-Franklin, the VP of Programs for the Minnesota-North Dakota chapter. “We’re hopeful that they will help people get into clinical trials, and have more time with their families.”

Another highlight is the latest on how wildfire smoke can be a serious risk factor when it comes to developing dementia.

Wildfire smoke is a risk factor for dementia

New research shows that wildfire smoke is a risk factor for dementia.

For more information about the Alzheimer’s Association: