A progress check on Minnesota’s Climate Action Framework

Commissioners from the Minnesota pollution Control Agency, Department of Commerce, and Department of Natural resources held a virtual press event detailing the progress on Minnesota’s Climate Action Framework on Thursday August 8th.

The Climate Action Framework uses six focus areas to lead a multifaceted approach to implementing climate solutions with the billions of dollars in state and federal funding.

In attendance at the meeting was Daniel Houle, owner of Lodge of Whispering Pines vacation resort in Ely Minnesota. Houle has received funding to transition from diesel to solar energy through the programs provided by the Climate Action Framework.

“I purchased the property here about three years ago and we were using two sixty-kilowatt diesel generators that were running 24/7 six months a year producing about 54 thousand kilograms of carbon footprint,” said Houle. “With switching to solar panels, we are going to be reducing that by about ninety percent, maybe even more.”

A recent progress report by the Walz-Flanagan Administration’s Subcabinet on Climate Change highlighted reported advancement in all six of Minnesota’s Climate Action Framework goal areas including:

Clean transportation: “Over $440 million in new, dedicated funding for public transit each year will help the state decrease vehicle miles traveled 20% per capita by 2050.”

Climate smart natural and working lands: “Millions of dollars in new funding appropriated to restore Minnesota’s forests, grasslands, wetlands, and peatlands will help the state increase carbon stored annually in Minnesota lands by 25% by 2035.”

Resilient communities: “Since 2022, the state’s $100 million resilient communities grant program has provided over 50 communities funding to prepare for flooding, extreme heat, and other impacts of climate change which will help achieve the goal of 100% of Minnesota cities engaged climate resilience planning by 2030.”

Clean energy and efficient buildings: “In 2023, Minnesota became the 21st state to adopt the goal of 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040, for energy that will be reliable, safe, affordable, and clean, benefiting all Minnesotans.”

Healthy lives and communities: “In partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Minnesota Department of Health built a system to monitor near real-time hospital reporting of health conditions including heat-related illnesses. Currently, 80% of Minnesota hospital facilities are reporting data.”

Clean economy: “A new collaboration between the state and local economic development organizations, provides seed investments to Minnesota-based start-ups exploring climate solutions.”

You can learn more about Minnesota’s Climate Action Framework here.