Primary Election: Savela wins House District 8B Republican challenge

Unofficial results in Tuesday’s Minnesota primary election are showing Shawn Savela will be moving on to the general election in November as the Republican candidate to take on DFL incumbent, Liish Kozlowski.

District 8B covers eastern Duluth and both Tim Meyer and Shawn Savela share many similar concerns for the district. The lack of housing has been brought up by both, as were their concerns about one party controlling the purse strings of the state. But they themselves have specific priorities of their own.

Tim Meyer said affordable housing is his number one concern. “We need expansion of housing at every tier of housing,” Meyer told us. “I think it’s very misunderstood the kinds of things we need to do to increase the amount of housing that we have here in the City of Duluth.”

Savela said he was upset at how the DFL party ignored so many constituents and pushed through DFL party policies.

“My primary concern when I wanted to get into politics or get into this race is, I was looking at the last session,” Shawn Savela said. “I don’t know if you paid attention to the last session, but in the last 10 minutes, there was a 1,400 page omnibus bill presented by the one party that has the trifecta.”

This year’s general election is Tuesday, November 5th.