How to fuel hungry student-athletes

How to fuel hungry student-athletes

Youth athletes and studentsneed to focus on eating to keep their strength up. What are easy items to munch on.

Fall athletics are starting back up, and that means some hungry student-athletes.

Sports Dietitian Nutritionist Alex Larson doesn’t typically work with young athletes, but good nutrition gives everyone a boost in performance.

She shared three tips to keep tweens and teens fueled:

  • Start the day with a breakfast: If kids are rushed in the morning and don’t like to sit and eat a meal, Larson suggests prepping things like fruit and yogurt smoothies, or egg wraps.
  • Stock up on easy, travel-friendly, carb-rich snacks: She brings cereal, fruit snacks, Powerade, and even things like Goldfish or Belvita bars to make it easy.
  • Work with your child where they’re at: Larson says it’s important to consult kids and teens about what they’ll actually eat and when they get hungry during the day.