Professional tabletop battles for nationally qualifying tournaments

Battles played on table and amongst the community as over the weekend of August 23rd, 2024, during Teeb con, held multiple tabletop tournaments. 

During the pop culture convention, Teeb Con. Players of tabletop games assembled at the DECC for tournaments held throughout the weekend. From card games of magic, the gathering to tabletop battles that were for qualifying nationally. One of those tournaments was for a game called Warhammer 40k.

One of the teams was a group of members that were working together to qualify for a national level tournament by competing in this weekend tournament.

“Warhammer 40,000 is a tabletop war gaming game. It’s been around 30 years since the 80s, 40 years, I guess. It’s made in England, based out of England. Our tournament organizer is Tyler Berderius of the Duluth superior area war gamers. He’s run the whole show. He’s been running tournaments four or five years now. This is his biggest and greatest.”

Nationally Qualifying

Joshua Sawlaw, the head of one of the teams, Team Dirt Review, explained the tournament to me.

“My team has come to play. How many members do we have? Like 13, 14 members have come and played. So, it’s a lot of fun. 64 gentlemen in the tournament.”

Amongst the several tournaments played, a handful of them was a nationally qualifying event for tournaments happening later this year.

“The winner of this tournament gets a golden ticket. A ticket to a larger Warhammer event later in the year.”

As the room filled with many other types of tournaments, from kings of war to north star, laughter and dice rolls became infectious. With many trying their hardest to win the fight and others hoping it would never end.

“I do. I hope for many more events like this. I wish Tyler would plan them in the winter. Not in the nicest weekend of the year. Because I’d rather be outside, but that’s okay. It’s a lot of fun and I hope he has many more.”

“Find your community. This game is much more about community than it is about the results of the game. I have made friends through our team. People who I go to church with. People who come to my house, share meals with. It’s a great way to make friends and build a community. That’s what team dirt review is all about. We’re based in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Illinois. We have members as far as the Carolinas and even in Colorado.”