St. Louis County social worker honored at 2024 Angels in Adoption event

St. Louis County social worker honored in D.C.

A St. Louis County social worker was recognized at the Angels in Adoption event in D.C.

A special moment for a St. Louis County social worker this week. Taylor Carpenter was honored at the 2024 Angels in Adoption event in Washington D.C.

She was nominated by Congressman Pete Stauber, who worked with her professionally and personally, when he and his wife Jodi adopted two young children.

“I couldn’t be prouder to recommend her. She’s an exceptional worker and exceptional individual, working and affecting families in a positive way,” Stauber shared.

Now in its 26th year, the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute (CCAI) hosts the Angels in Adoption® Leadership Program to honor those who have made an exceptional contribution to permanency with adoption, foster care, and child welfare.