Duluth women start yoga retreat business

Duluth women start yoga retreat business

Two Duluth women have started Roam Yoga, a business offering pay-what-you-can yoga classes and retreats.

Two Duluth women, Miriam Hanson Rogotzke and Kate Horvath, have started Roam Yoga, a business offering pay-what-you-can yoga classes and retreats.

Their first retreat is planned for March 21-28, 2025 on Roatán, an island belonging to Honduras.

“I lived in the Caribbean for 12 years, so where we are starting this retreat, starting this business with this retreat in the Caribbean is a place that’s really near and dear to my heart,” Hanson Rogotzke said. “And I wanted to bring people there. I’ve wanted to share this experience.”

She asked Horvath to come on board, and there was no hesitation. Roam Yoga was born.

“To bring folks here who in March, in the middle of winter, could probably use all of the things that Roatán has to offer, which is sunshine, some Vitamin D, beach time, that rainforesty jungle exploration type of time,” Horvath said.

Hanson Rogotzke knows there are plenty of options for people who want a yoga retreat experience.

“But what’s really unique about this is my connection to this place. It’s kind of an out-of-the-way place that you maybe wouldn’t think of going to and also we’re going to be coming at it from the inside out,” she said. “So I have a lot of experience on what’s the funnest thing to do there, what’s worth doing, and who to do it with.”

Optional activities will include a chocolate factory tour, hike, and more.

Registration is open online.