Four-day week for Carlton Schools going smoothly, also adding Applied Learning Academy

Carlton Schools seeing success with four-day week already

A look at how the four-day week is going so far for the Carlton Schools.

We are nearly a month into the school year, and the new four-day week for the Carlton Schools.

Kayla Radtke, a senior, said she really enjoys this change. “By this time last year, I was feeling tired. This year, I feel ready to keep going.”

She told us she does her homework on Fridays, and gets other things done on Saturdays. “Sundays, I can rest, and come back to school Monday, ready to be engaged.”

Students can come in and get extra help at the high school on Fridays. Plus there are field trips being planned, and even PSAT testing.

Superintendent Donita Stepan told us that the main motivation for this change was to help the mental health of both students and staff. On Fridays, in addition to helping students, teachers can catch up and take care of things they need to, without doing them on the weekends.

Kids Care is available during the day on Fridays for younger students at South Terrace. About 15 kids are signed up, which is fewer than they anticipated.

Stepan estimates they’ve gained about 40 families due to the four-day a week change.

They also are launching an Applied Learning Academy this year, which will help students with personalized learning schedules and a chance to get out into the field.