Outside investigation into Mayor Reinert’s girlfriend Amber Gurske complete, she responds

Report released about Mayor Reinert’s girlfriend’s actions and city business

An independent investigation clears Amber Gurske of any wrongdoing, and she responds to the update.

The report about Mayor Roger Reinert’s girlfriend’s actions is now complete. It looked at Amber Gurske and her involvement in city business.

The city hired an outside investigator last fall. Michelle Soldo, from Soldo Consulting, conducted the investigation.

According to the city, the report from Soldo said allegations about Gurske and her interactions with staff were not substantiated and based on incomplete information and inaccurate speculation and conjecture. They also were not illegal or unusual, and she was not compensated with public funds.

The report said she did act as the mayor’s social media agent, on a volunteer basis, and would coordinate his calendars with city staff. The findings said those actions are not improper or illegal.

It goes on to say that the Public Information Officer and Mayor’s Office staff “independently and consistently confirmed that Gurske and the mayor never asked them to do anything they felt was improper or illegal.”

And it said that Gurske did not perform any of the work of the Executive Assistant or the work of the other two senior advisors or the PIO.

Tap here to read the full report from the City of Duluth.

Gurske sent a statement, saying, “The report shows I did nothing illegal or unethical, and this has been substantiated by the facts. These findings appear to be consistent with the internal review conducted by the Duluth City Attorney’s Office.

I volunteered to help Mayor Reinert, at his request, while he was short several key staff. Volunteers helping during an administrative transition is commonplace. The record shows I asked for nothing and received nothing. But as a result of the story last fall I have been the target for months of near daily online harassment and bullying.

A story based on incomplete information and inaccurate speculation has caused real harm to both me as a person and as a professional. Every part of my life and professional reputation has been drug through the mud online including questions about my ethics, my intelligence, and my private employer. I realize I am not the first woman, or the last, to be subjected to this kind of behavior but things will never improve if we don’t call it out, talk about it, and shed light on it.

I am from here. I am a Northlander. I grew up in Brule, graduated from Northwestern, and went to UMD. I studied marketing and political science, and put myself through school working at the Olive Garden. I have a successful career in international business and work with people from over 90 countries. And, I love Duluth.

I have no official or unofficial role with the City of Duluth. But, I am intelligent and pay attention and have the right to my thoughts and opinions just like any other Duluthian. And yes, you will see me with Roger. We enjoy being active and involved in the community, and we enjoy attending events together. Given his schedule it’s sometimes the only way we get to spend time together.”

It also said she has retained an attorney.