Car dealer weighs in on gas prices and consumer habits

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With gas hovering around $4 a gallon right now, many people may be looking at electric or hybrid vehicles with more interest.

Chris Kari from Kari Toyota shared what they are seeing. "We’ve been through this before, with high gas prices. People come in with a big truck or SUV and ask us if we want to buy it. Or they look at hybrids. They’re looking for fuel efficiency."

And on the rental side, they are seeing some people cancel their plans for a long road-trip.

The Toyota Sienna only comes in hybrid form now.

According to the Global E-V Outlook Report, the U.S. electric car market is still mostly dominated by Tesla. They account for more than half of all electric units sold.

Dealers are still facing challenging inventory levels.

"Patience is the name of the game. The majority of the new vehicles are pre-sold. If someone wants a more fuel efficient vehicle, we encourage them to talk to our sales staff, and find out what we have coming in, and maybe get on that list. But if they wait for it on the lot, it’s most likely sold before it gets here."

Kari said you can do some things with your current vehicle to help, including slowing down and going easier on your starts and stops.

WDIO spoke to a couple of people filling up at the pump on Monday, where it was $3.99 a gallon. One woman who has a Prius said she was able to fill up for less than $30. And one man said he was hoping to look into an electric Ford.