A Minnesota veteran’s home celebrating 30 years of caring for heroes

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Celebrating 30 years of providing a home and services for veterans, their families, and the community is what silver bay veterans home has been able to do.

"We have nine staff who have been here for thirty years. Hearing those stories, some of them legitimate and some of them you can not share again, but all of them are fun, said Randall Walz, Silver Bay Veterans Home Public Affairs Coordinator. All of them tear worth and amazing, and I just think that is an amazing story that we have a community and a friendship and a family that is all a part of this place."

There were some years when the fun and celebrations were not as big as today because of Covid-19. Walz shared how the veteran home made it through that tough times.

"It’s been hard for our staff. Our staff has gotten covid before and can not come in and help, and other staff members have to pick that up. Everyone has risen to the challenge, everybody has been there, making things happen. Our residents have made it through well. We do a lot to make sure that they are safe and still have the opportunities to partake in events like this."

Walz also shared some things that the veteran home will need as they move forward, "support from our community and our state to keep doing this. And that support is in coming to events like this to show our veterans that there are still people out there that care about them all the time and want to be with them and share this experience with them.”