Actor Daniel Durant hosts screening of CODA in Duluth theatre

Thursday night, actor Daniel Durant hosted a screening of the critically acclaimed film CODA. A movie he himself stars in.

The new film focuses on a teenage girl as she struggles with finding herself outside of her deaf family. Durant plays the deaf brother Leo in the film who’s a fisherman with a headstrong attitude.

Thursday’s premiere at the West Theater had Daniel’s friends and family there along with other members from the deaf community. Daniel felt the excitement saying, “"being here at the theatre, this is the first time I’ve gotten to see this film on a large screen… and I feel really proud of Duluth and proud to be a Duluthian.”

Durant grew up in Duluth and during filming he said the set reminded him of his hometown. “Where we filmed it really did remind me of Duluth. The boats, being down at the waterfront there’s [so many] similarities… honestly when I get back it does kind of- it’s so reminiscent of that experience of being there”, says the actor.

CODA has since taken home four awards at the Sundance Film Festival. And with more word of mouth, more people are getting to experience deaf culture which Daniel is excited about saying, “So it’s nice to see people really enjoy that as well and really connect with the movie. So I think it’s wonderful to have deaf culture and deaf actors shown and I hope that’s something to be replicated going forward.”

And as for parental support… well it remains as strong as ever! Moms Mary and Lori are super excited that their son has had the opportunity to act in the film and are very proud of his journey as an actor. “Super proud, it’s been a long journey. And it’s just so exciting to see him get recognition for the journey, and it takes a long time to get to the point where you actually have a major film like this."

CODA is streaming on Apple TV+ and you can watch the trailer for CODA here.