Author Natalie Zeleznikar talks about her first ever book and surviving breast cancer

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October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And one survivor is spreading awareness and healing through her first book ever.

Natalie Zeleznikar is a breast cancer survivor who is sharing her story and spreading awareness. “I took care of people who were 80-100 my whole life. I assumed I would hit 90, I had no idea I could’ve been taken out of the game at 48.”

In her new book The Scars You Can’t See she shares her journey through sickness and what it took to heal. “It’s like you’ve got this unlimited ride pass and you’re going to go up and down”, she says. “I was out for months, over several years, you know. To do eight hospitalizations to get me recovered because I had set backs."

Not only did Natalie battle breast cancer but ended up having to battle sepsis. She says, "the plan F that happened for me was sepsis. And then I had to learn how to heal."

And heal she did being able to heal through journaling, eventually becoming an author looking to help those with her book.

She found journaling was something she used to express herself saying, “when I was sick I needed an outlet to get my emotions out. I was frustrated. I was shocked that things didn’t go well for me. And so I had to have a place to put my thoughts. It helped me heal to write things."

Zeleznikar was quick to point out her favorite chapter saying, "I think my favorite one is Time Stops because it’s how it feels when you are diagnosed with any kind of cancer. And I felt that way.”

Natalie is also taking advantage of breast cancer awareness month to remind people to get a screening. "And right now, especially with all the fear and 18 months of COVID, people are getting behind on getting screened for all cancers. So it’s so important for people to take the time to get screened", she says.

As for those who are already effected by breast cancer Natalie says, "On your worst day remember it’s just one day. It’s not forever."

You can find a link to Natalie’s book right here.