Bauer returns from USA Climbing Youth National Championships

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Two local climbers just returned from the USA Climbing Youth National Championships.

Seventeen-year-old Hartley Bauer made her debut at nationals this year. She was also the first female in the junior category from Duluth to qualify.

She became interested in the sport on a class field trip when she was 10 years old and now climbs with the advanced climb team at Vertical Cndeavors.

She qualified in the Lead/Top rope category and placed 58th overall competing against some of the best indoor climbers in the country in Reno, Nevada.

"It was my first time going to nationals so it was super difficult and quite a shock," said Bauer. "There’s a lot of different styles and so I had never experienced this style of a comp, but it was a lot of fun. I still felt pretty good about the experience and knew what to do and enjoyed being around a bunch of other climbers.

"I know all sports give you some kind of adrenaline rush, but rock climbing is different in a way where there’s actual danger present. You definitely get a different type of rush and different type of feeling way up high on a wall," she added.

Bauer hopes to work on her and endurance and qualify again for nationals.

Cedar holden also qualified in the same category and made his eighth trip to nationals.