Cedar and Stone Nordic Saunas celebrates Midsummer with the community

The dark days of winter are gone and the brightness of summer is here!
Today Cedar and Stone Nordic Saunas celebrated Midsummer, a Nordic holiday. It’s all about joy and sunshine.
The weather was perfect for the holiday. Guests had a beautiful view of Lake Superior- plus good drinks, delicious food, and were able to enjoy the company of one another.
We spoke with even organizer, Justin Juntunen, who says the day was all about community. “Our mission as a company has always been about the flourishing of Duluth. From our people, our land, and our water. Today is such a joyful moment where we get to swing the door right open,” he says. “It feels great to serve the community.”
Juntenen also wants to remind folks that their sauna that it isn’t just for tourists. Locals can use the facilities as well. According to Cedar and Stone’s website- Duluth has 100+ years of community sauna tradition. Which means not only are sauna’s healing but you can also a part of reviving this tradition.