Congressman Stauber visits Greenwood fire command center

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8th District Congressman Pete Stauber paid a visit to the Greenwood fire’s incident command center Wednesday to thank the crews on the front lines and ask how he can further support them.

"I left Washington D.C. this morning, got to Minneapolis and came straight here. It’s really important and critical from my perspective to be up here, see what the professionals are doing. Talk to incident command, talk to the volunteers and from the federal level say: ‘What else do you need?’” Stauber said.

Stauber said he will do what he can to provide any help and resources to the firefighting efforts, from a federal level.

“I’m on a Natural Resources Committee and I can guarantee if there is a request made, I will make that request tonight if they need anything that the federal government can help with,” Stauber said.

Stauber also expressed his support for the Ely Airport, which he said has been critical in the Greenwood firefighting efforts.

“I understand the value of rural airports and the investment in rural airports like we did in Ely. Right now, that airport is being used as a staging area for airplanes to come and go, refuel and make this possible,” Stauber said.