Duluth City Council passes several resolutions, including funding for new fire rig

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The Duluth City Council passed several resolutions during a meeting Monday evening.

These resolutions included passing the development agreement for Arrowhead Acres housing, which could house upwards of 275 people in the near future.

Developers are hoping to build it just west of the intersection of Arlington and Arrowhead road.

The development would include three buildings—made up of one, two and maybe even three bedroom units.

The hope is to build it in phases, with the first beginning as soon as this fall.

Funding was also passed for the purchase of a brand new fire rig for the Duluth Fire Department, which is currently down one ladder truck.

The old rig was purchased in 1995. The fire chief says with the older one out of operation, they need a replacement.

The new one will cost just under $1.3 million.

The full agenda for the meeting can be found here.