Duluth Public Utilities Commission virtual meeting on WLSSD adjustment
Residents will be able to attend a virtual public hearing regarding a proposed WLSSD adjustment calculation change with the Duluth Public Utilities Commission. The hearing will be held at 5:15 p.m. on Tuesday, February 15. Due to current COVID-19 emergency status, the meeting will be held electronically.
The Public Utilities Commission will explain the proposed adjustment to the calculation. According to a press release from city officials, due to the COVID-19 emergency and the limitation on the use of City facilities, the hearing and regular meeting will be in a virtual, electronic format. Public comment will not be taken in person, however the public will be able to submit comments.
The public can monitor the hearing and meeting and provide public comment on the proposed WLSSD adjustment
calculation change and other agenda items through WebEx Events.
Go to https://duluthmn.gov/live-meeting to access the meeting. The public is also encouraged to submit written comment to gguerrero@duluthmn.gov prior to the meeting. Please include "February DPUC Agenda" in the subject line, and include your name and address and the agenda item you are speaking to.
The Commission’s agenda can be found online at https://duluthmn.gov/boards-commissions/duluth-public-utilities-commission/.
Please note that all public comment is considered Public Data.