Funding from the 1200 Fund could help solve the childcare crisis

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Finding childcare continues to be a struggle for parents in the Duluth area. However help from the City may be on the way. The 1200 Fund is offering a big solution to help open more child care slots in the city.

The fund board of directors has approved and is planning to supply funds to create two different programs, the childcare provider program and the child care staff training program.

The 1200 fund board plans to give around $700,000 to these programs. Around $450,000 would go to the expansion program and up to $100,000 would go to the training program.

Owner of Aunty’s Childcare April Westman says this is a great start to help with the situation. She says she has felt the effects of the crisis ever since she started tweleve years ago. And now with help potentially on the way, shes estatic. Westman says, "The fact that they are paying attention to our needs speaks volumes in that they have two sets of funding options open."

April says that the invested money will help with hiring new workers and keeping them at their perspective businesses. Due to the fact that their margins are super tight. She says, "Any sort of money that comes in then frees up our capitol so that we can just reinvest in our business, there for our children, and the community because it all goes hand in hand."

She says that now that the limited space in childcare has been highlighted since the pandemic, more instittuions are offering more assistance.The shortage is also continuing to effect the economy, which you can learn more about here.

The City Council plans to vote on this decision Monday October 25th.