Hwy 53 intersection improvements in Virginia start July 25

MnDOT wants drivers to be aware of lane closures at the intersection of Hwy 53 and P&H Road in Virginia starting on Monday, July 25.[MnDOT]
Construction on the intersection of Hwy 53 and P&H Road in Virginia near Komatsu Mining will begin on July 25. According to the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT), the work will improve safety for vehicles turning onto P&H Road and allow better access for oversize vehicles.
MnDOT says the right lane of southbound Hwy 53 will be closed from July 25 to July 29, then on Monday, August 1 crews will shift to the northbound lane. The right lane, right turn lane, and P&H Road will be closed as crews continue the project.
Please visit the project website for additional information: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/d1/projects/hwy53-intersection/index.html