January 2022 in review: average snow and below normal temperatures

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2022 has begun with a cold January. Duluth’s mean temperature for the month was 4.7°F. This fell more than six degrees behind the normal mean temp of 11.2°. The first month of 2022 seems particularly cold compared to the previous January. 2021’s first month had a mean temp of 17.9°.

Neither year was worthy of the record books. The coldest January observed in Duluth was in 1912 when the mean temp was a frigid -7.2°. 2006 holds the spot for warmest January on record with a mean temp of 23.7°.

Where snow is concerned, January 2022 was average. Duluth observed 17.1" of snow for the month. This is just 0.3" above January’s normal snow total of 16.8".

The 2021-2022 snow season through January is a hair below average with 48.6" observed compared to the normal 52.4". December carries most of the weight for the season. The last month of 2021 was 7.3" above normal with 26.0" observed in Duluth.

The Climate Prediction Center‘s February outlook reflects the Northland leaning above normal preciptation and below normal temperatures. The first week of February is shaping up to be cold and dry. Forecast available here.