Laura MacArthur Elementary hosts vaccination clinic for kids

Partnering with the MN Department of Health, the Duluth School District has begun administering the two-dose Pfizer vaccine for free.

This afternoon, Laura MacArthur Elementary school hosted the first vaccine clinic in the district.

The parent or guardian of each student participating needed to provide written permission and be present while the vaccine was administered.

Six-year-old Sia Regas was one of the 260 children signed up for today’s clinic. After waiting in line briefly alongside her parents and her three-year-old sister, Sia received her shot without even a flinch.

“It doesn’t hurt so much,” said Sia.

Sia’s mother, Kristen Regas, prepared her for the experience.

“We’ve been talking about the things that we can do once she gets vaccinated for a long time, explained Regas. “Yesterday, we were talking about what she can do during the process, and I told her, squeeze my hand as loud as she wants or yell as loud as she wants. Just as long as you don’t move. But none of that was an issue, she was as still as a statue and it just felt really good.”

Regas is more familiar with the process than most.

“I started off covid testing over a year ago now,” said Regas. “Then the vaccine rolled out, and I was part of that effort. I’ve been continuing testing and vaccinating all over the state for the last year plus.”

Those who attended the clinic were supportive of each other, even cheering as kids walked into the waiting room.

“It’s really exciting and it feels almost like a sense of relief now that our kids five and up can get vaccinated,” said Regas.

The school’s vaccination clinic was well-organized and easy to sign-up for, according to parents who attended.

“I did it yesterday on my way to work. I did it in about five minutes,” said Regas. “I got the link and scrolled through and found a time that worked for after school that we could all come and do this. I signed up and came through the line today, and at check in, they asked us if they wanted to schedule a second appointment, so we scheduled the second one too.”

The next clinics will be at Stowe Elementary as well as Homecroft Elementary this upcoming Monday, 11/8.

“My experience at the clinic was great, and I hope the community utilizes all of these resources and gets vaccinated when you can get vaccinated, and it just feels good,” said Regas. “I hope people can trust the vaccine.”