The Red Cross has volunteer openings for people with a willingness to help others

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Local emergencies can happen anywhere or during any time of day. The Red Cross disaster action team is there to help others in times of disaster or crisis. The team has a new opening for those that have a willingness to help others.

When a family lost their home along with their pets in a fire, having the disaster action team volunteers there for that moment was special.“The most meaningful part of the Red Cross helping them was just standing there with the two volunteers, and they asked the volunteers.”

Do dogs go to heaven? The answer is yes, Williams says. It meant so much to that family at that time to hear that answer at the time, when it was the worst day of their lives. So, it means a lot what our volunteers do.”

Dan Williams is the Northern Minnesota Red Cross Executive Director.

In rural areas, having volunteers can make a big impact, especially when location and distances can be a factor during a crisis. “If someone needs help in let us say, the Lincoln Park area, there is probably a volunteer within five minutes of them versus someone that is in Northlake Country, disaster responder Kelsey Dooley mentioned. It is going to take us longer to be able to meet with that client. So, the distance is a barrier sometimes, but we try to make sure that we can overcome that as best as we can.”
The impact of being a volunteer for the Red Cross Disaster Action Team goes far behind showing up at the scene of an accident. Disaster Program Manager Owen Fifield shares what that impact can be and feel like for those in need.

"For a red cross volunteer to be there in person with you; to walk you through things, help you think about things that maybe have not crossed your mind about being needed, and how you are going to get through tomorrow. That is what that person being there in person can do."

Volunteering can make an impact, no matter if it is big or small. If you like to learn more about the Disaster Action Team volunteer role, there is a free informational event happening Wednesday, April 20th, at 6:00 pm at 2524 Maple Grove Road in Duluth. You can also get more information at

The Red Cross Disaster Action team will also be holding in-person training for new and current members of its team. The training will be held at the Tribal Justice Center, 200 Sailstar DR NW, Cass Lake, MN 56633. The event will be on Saturday, April 23, from 9 am to 5 pm, and on Sunday, April 24th, from 9 am to 5 pm.