Beyond the Playbook: Before kickoff Bulldog football inspires youth
University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) football players are constantly crafting and learning the game, but how about teaching it?
Before the fog engulfed the field this past Saturday, the UMD football team held a youth clinic for young boys and girls from 1st through 8th grade.
“Just bring these guys out here. Give them a chance to meet some of our redshirt guys. To then get tickets to the game and bring out some community support,” said tight end coach Thomas Kelly.
Twelve of the Bulldog’s red shirt freshman were the coaches at the event. Putting their own athletic and teaching skills to the test with various drills, training the future generation.
Already they were asking us if we think they can play here one day. So it was kind of cool to be like, yeah, you just got to work for it,” added Defensive Lineman Ethan Ivan.
“Our guys love it. They love being recognized in the community and just having that support within their town and within their school, really, of professors and just citizens of Duluth and other student athletes. Even the students that come out to their games and support,” Kelly exclaimed.
Before the fog engulfed the field this past Saturday, the UMD football team held a youth clinic for young boys and girls from 1st through 8th grade.
The team relished the opportunity to be on the other side of fun camps like this, that they remember attending as a kid.
“I did them all the time, my community in high school did them all the time. It’s just fun to get kids playing football and more experience,” added Ivan.
“These guys are big time and you think this is the bee’s knees, you think this is the real deal. So it’s cool to be out here for these guys and let them meet some of our freshmen, some of our players, some guys that they might look up to in the future here,” Kelly concluded.