Community Action Duluth receives multiple grants

Community Action Duluth (CAD) has been awarded multiple grants from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED).
The DEED Women’s Economic Security Act (WESA) grant is for $100,000 and the DEED Adult Support Services grant is for $50,000.
“Both grants will support CAD’s Workforce Programs, which provide a 12-month paid on-the-job work experience in either residential construction or natural resources career paths,” explained CAD Director of Workforce Programs Melissa Hellerud. “The WESA funds will be used to support female identifying individuals in obtaining permanent full time living wage careers in these non-traditional career paths.”
Support for both grants includes education/credential obtainment, certificate training, financial coaching, career coaching, and basic support such as tools, licensing/testing fees, childcare assistance, etc.
They will also cover direct staff salaries in addition to participant salaries.
More information on Community Action Duluth programs can be found here.