Free microchip clinic Thursday, 1-3 pm
While fireworks are an Independence Day tradition many enjoy, it can be a scary time for pets.
“Leading into 4th of July weekend, you know, that is one of the weekends we see a big spike in lost animals here because people are traveling, fireworks tend to scare animals,” said Animal Allies Humane Education Manager Nicole Facciotto.
If your pet gets lost, having a microchip can help it find its way home.
“It’s the fastest way we reunite people with their lost pets,” said Facciotto. “A lot of police officers have chip scanners now. Most vet offices have them and shelters around the area as well. So if you find a missing pet, you can bring them into any of these locations and get them scanned.”
Unlike collars and tags that can fall off, microchips last a lifetime. The information on them can also be updated online anytime, ensuring that the owner’s current phone number, address, and other essential information can be found if the pet is scanned.

Animal Allies will be hosting a free microchipping clinic from 1 to 3 pm on Thursday.
“The microchipping process is really quick and easy,” said Facciotto. “It’s like getting a little shot. Most animals don’t even react to it, and it is about the size of a grain of rice.”
Located at 4006 Airport Road in Duluth, Animal Allies is providing a free microchip clinic on Thursday, June 29, from 1 to 3 pm to keep pets safe ahead of the holiday weekend. No registration is required.
“Thanks to a grant, we are able to offer free microchip clinics to the community pretty regularly,” explained Facciotto. “We see anywhere from 30 to over 100 animals at these events, so it’s really great. We can knock out a lot of chips at once and ensure there are animals out there who are going to be reunited quicker with their families.”
Extra precaution is needed to prevent your pet from getting lost in the first place.
“Finding a safe space for them once that noise and commotion starts and keeping them indoors is kind of our number one suggestion,” said Facciotto. “It’s really fun to have your pets out and enjoying the festivities, but all that noise can be really overwhelming.”
Distracting your pet can help with its anxiety as well.
“Doing a lot of playing and exercise during the day so they’re more mellow at night, leaving the TV or radio on, getting some calming treats that they can have prior to leaving. All of those things tend to really help,” said Facciotto.