Fundraiser held for Chester Bowl chalet project

Ski Hut and Bent Paddle came together Thursday, September 26 to hold a “Cheers for Chester” event to help raise funds to renovate the Thom Storm chalet. The event included a raffle, live music, food, and more.

“We’re raising money for our capital campaign to expand and renovate the chalet,” explained Dave Schaeffer, Chester Bowl Director. “Every dollar we raise tonight goes towards that future expansion to make sure that we have a building that can serve generations of kids and families yet to come.”

Chester Bowl recently received a $2.3 million grant toward the chalet project, but $600,000 is still needed to get the project to full funding.

Ski Hut Owner Scott Neustel helped organize the “Cheers for Chester” event and highlighted his generational attachment to the hill.

“Ski Hut and the Neustel family have been huge supporters of Chester Bowl over the years,” said Neustel.
“I grew up skiing at Chester Bowl. My kids skied at Chester Bowl. My dad skied at Chester Bowl and so we just feel this kinship with them and support everything they’re doing up there and right now they’ve outgrown their space, and they need a new chalet.”

More information on how to donate to the project can be found here.