MDA accepting applications for harmful weed/invasive plant grant

Minnesota Department of Agriculture, (MDA) is now accepting applications for their Noxious Weeds and Invasive Plant Grant. Counties, municipalities, tribal governments; and weed management entities (including weed management areas) can submit an application. The Noxious Weed/Invasive Plant grant helps reduce harmful weeds around the state.
In order to be eligible for the plant grant, applicants must spend the grant’s funds by June 30, 2023. Since 2018, the MDA’s Noxious Weed and Invasive Plant Grant awarded over $1.3 million to fund a variety of activities. From purchasing equipment and supplies, to conducting outreach activities, or even hiring private applicators to manage noxious weeds. Eligible entities are able to apply for a minimum of $500, for managing on-the-ground noxious weeds. The MDA application for the FY23 Noxious Weed Grant has approximately $28,000 available.
The Noxious Weed and Invasive Plant Grant, is a first come first served basis. Selected grantees will be announced in April of 2023. The MDA application is due no later than 3 p.m. on March 31, 2023, unless all the funds are depleted. The MDA has awarded 119 grants, averaging $9,000. The Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, helps with funding the grant program.
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