Road sand collection sites return in Duluth

The City of Duluth will place road sand collection sights at various locations beginning on Monday, March 24. Duluth citizens will be able to safely dispose of their road sand, salt, and other by-products of winter maintenance.

“Picking up the sand and salt left in the boulevards, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters helps to keep area streams clean and water quality at a high level,” explained Kelli Latuska, Public Information Officer with the city. I”n the past, Duluthians utilized these sites to save an average of 15 tons of sand and winter maintenance material from entering the City’s stormwater system, thereby keeping that material from contaminating area lakes, rivers, and streams.”

Large dumpsters will be placed at five locations throughout the city:

  • Wheeler Field
  • Piedmont Community Center
  • Duluth Heights Community Center
  • Chester Park
  • Portman Community Center

The dumpsters will be labeled “Road Sand Collection Site” and will be available for residents to use until mid-April. The dumpsters will be monitored for illegal dumping.