Spring burning restrictions begin in parts of Central Minnesota

Burning restrictions begin.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is restricting the open burning of vegetative debris due to increased wildfire risk in central Minnesota beginning Monday, March 24. The restrictions were put in place due to very dry conditions. The restrictions include Pine County, as well as Anoka, Benton, Chisago, Hennepin, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Ramsey, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd, Washington, and Wright.
“Wildfire danger is especially high in spring because dormant or dead vegetation from the previous year has dried out and there is no snow protection,” Karen Harrison, DNR wildfire prevention specialist said in a press release. “Even after precipitation, fine fuels, such as grass and small twigs, can dry out quickly from wind or low relative humidity, making them easy fuel for a wildfire.”
The DNR will not issue permits for open burning of brush or yard waste in these counties until restrictions are lifted.
Harrison says residents should use alternatives to burning to dispose of yard waste, such as composting, chipping, or taking brush to a collection site. According to the DNR, 90% of wildfires in the state are caused by people. If a fire rekindles or escapes, the person who set it is liable for any damage caused and the cost to put the fire out.
The DNR updates burning restrictions and fire danger on a daily basis. Visit the statewide fire danger and burning restrictions page of the DNR website mndnr.gov/burnrestrictions.