Update: Two Harbors Silver Creek Road Construction

Highway 61 Bridge Project, Source - MnDOT
WEDNESDAY UPDATE: Previously scheduled road milling and paving of Highway 61 north of Two Harbors has been delayed due to weather conditions. The project is now scheduled for May 30 and 31. Grading will take place at Stewart River and Silver Creek at the same time.
PREVIOUS REPORTING: Motorists should expect to experience delays May 22-23 on Highway 61 north of Two Harbors at Silver Creek. The Minnesota Department of Transportation will be completing mill and overlay pavement on the road.
The Silver Creek Project includes construction of a new bridge to replace box culvert – which includes bike and pedestrian crossing on the bridge, stream restoration and the extension of old Highway 61.
The Stewart River Bridge Project includes the rehabilitation of the historic bridge with the addition of new bike and pedestrian crossings, construction of a new bridge to carry southbound Highway 61 traffic and turn lanes at Country Road 3 and Betty’s Pies.
Both projects began in 2021 and expect to be completed this year.
RELATED STORY: Paving delays begin this week at Highway 61 Silver Creek
The grading will take place at Stewart River and Silver Creek simultaneously, so the department said to expect single lane traffic with flaggers, and shoulder closers.
For more information on the Highway 61 construction project, https://www.dot.state.mn.us/d1/projects/hwy61-bridges/index.html