Record Opening Day; State Fair Police Department adds over a dozen officers

Opening day at Minnesota State Fair. (Karl Asp)
The first day of the Minnesota State Fair was a crowded one, and for organizers, the huge task of security is at the top of their mind. Especially when heat and crowds mix. Thursday’s opening day set a new record with 138,875 people attending opening day. The previous record was set in 2019 with 133,326.
After the first day, all was fine at the fair, however the State Fair Police are prepared.
“We added more officers,” said Minnesota State Fair Police Chief Ron Knafla.
In total, Chief Knafla says the department added 17 officers to the ranks for this year’s event, bringing the total to 185 officers hitting the pavement, with a majority of them working the night shift.
They will be spread out throughout the fairgrounds to cut down response times no matter where a call for help comes from.
If you’re attending the fair this weekend, police say if you don’t already have a plan — including knowing what you can’t bring inside, such as no fireworks or weapons — that plan should include a lot of water to stay hydrated on the hot days.
In addition, you should tell your family where you’ll meet up if you get separated.
If you need assistance from State Fair Police, their headquarters are by the start of the West End, across the street from the Blue Barn, and the First Aid Building is next door to the police.