Grand Rapids Marching Band: Cadence of Excellence
The Grand Rapids High School marching band has been a leader in the competitive marching band world for over three decades. They are the only competitive marching band north of the Twin Cities and have been taking home top awards for many years. The program consists of over one hundred kids and lead by Director of Bands, Dale Gunderson.
During the 2022 season, the Grand Rapids band performed their field show titled Face It. The ten-minute show featured music from Disney and decorated the field with the over thirty colorful props. Over the course of the season, the band won numerous first place awards in Minnesota as well as placing eighth of thirty-six bands at a national competition in Iowa. An additional award was given to Gunderson as he was inducted into the Youth in Music Hall of Fame.
Along with the competitive marching band, the Grand Rapids band program offers a wide range of ensembles including jazz, symphonic, varsity and spring musical bands.