Former Northland Rep. Rick Nolan has died

Former Northland Rep. Rick Nolan has died, according to the Minnesota DFL. He was 80 years old.

“Rick Nolan was a champion for the Northland who fought fiercely to protect working people from corporate interests. From Ely to Duluth, he was an ambassador for the DFL creed that ‘we all do better when we all do better,'” DFL Party Chair Ken Martin said.

Nolan served as the congressman for the 8th congressional district from 2013-2019 and for the 6th congressional district from 1975-81. He was also a Minnesota state representative from 1969-73.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D) called Nolan “an incredible friend” and “one-of-a-kind leader.”

“He was the comeback kid,” she wrote. “He went from being one of the youngest members of Congress to being one of the oldest freshmen when he was sworn in again at 69. He was the consummate outdoorsman, friend of labor, and he never forgot where he came from.”

Nolan was at WDIO and in good spirits on Monday, Oct. 7, to campaign for Minnesota House District 7B candidate Lorrie Janatopoulos.

“I was humbled and honored to have the support and friendship of this true public servant who did so much for our area,” Janatopoulos said.

Jen Schultz is hoping to take the seat Nolan held from Rep. Pete Stauber (R) in the 2024 election.

“Today, we lost a fighter for Northern Minnesota. I got to know Rick when we campaigned together starting in 2013,” Schultz said in a statement. “He shared with me the importance of always showing up for people and listening to their concerns. He was a master at connecting with people, which helped him get things done in D.C. Rick Nolan prioritized people over politics, and he was always willing to show up for us. Like so many of you, I am proud to have called Rick a friend, colleague, and my congressman.”

Rep. Dave Lislegard (DFL-District 7B) said that Nolan was a “tireless fighter” for Northeast Minnesota both at home and in Washington D.C.

“He always had the type of authenticity we should want in our elected leaders, with an unwavering commitment to putting middle-class families first. He worked tirelessly to protect everything that makes our region special, including an understanding of and support for the mining industry. He was always there for me personally whenever I had questions, had an idea, or needed counsel. I’ll miss him deeply.”

The 8th District was solidly reliable for Democrats for decades, held by longtime Congressmen John Blatnik and Jim Oberstar, but has been considered a swing district for the past decade due to voting shifts on the Iron Range and growth in Republican-leaning areas of the southern and western portions of the district.

In 2010, Republican Chip Cravaack shocked the political world by unseating Oberstar. Two years later, Cravaack lost to Nolan, who served for six years until retiring. Rep. Pete Stauber (R) then won the seat in 2018 and was re-elected in 2020.

State Sen. Grant Hauschild (DFL) described Nolan as “one of a kind.”

“No one fought harder for the place they loved than him. His eternal optimism was contagious & he always spent his capital on uplifting future leaders,” Hauschild wrote on X.