3rd annual Mother’s Day arts and craft show at Lake Superior Zoo

This is the 3rd annual Mother’s Day arts and craft show at Lake Superior Zoo. This event has become a Mother’s Day tradition for many, with more vendors participating each year. This year Lake Superior Zoo wanted to include a plant theme along with the various arts and crafts for sale.

Elizabeth Androsky, the Lake Superior Zoo special events coordinator, talked more about the event. “We’re doing a plant sale/plant swap and we had a lot of success with that.” Androsky said. “We’ve got plants that are from the zoo. We’ve got vendors that are bringing in plants, we’ve got seed starters and all sorts of stuff and then a lot of locally made crafts as well.”

Andorsky also said while this is the 3rd annual Mother’s Day arts and craft show, it’s also the first of three craft events of the summer. “We do several craft shows a year. This is our first of the season. And then we also do one about the zoo.” Androsky said. “So all three Saturdays of both the zoo, we have a boutique and we have even more craft vendors there as well.”

For more information about the Lake Superior Zoo’s events you can look here. For other stories with the Lake Superior Zoo you can read more here.