Bemidji State basketball player charged for sexual conduct with minor

Beltrami County Jail
Colin Schaefer, 22, of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin has been charged with two counts of sexual conduct with a 15-year-old girl.
According to Beltrami County court documents, an unidentified minor states they met up with Schaefer in Bemidji after meeting on Tinder and Snapchat.
The documents also state that Schaefer gave a statement admitting to meeting the girl on Tinder and Snapchat and having sexual intercourse.
Under Minn. Stat. 260C.007 subd. 5, “”Child abuse” means an act that involves a minor victim that
constitutes a violation of section 609.342, 609.343, 609.344, 609.345 …, or that is physical or sexual
abuse as defined in section 260E.03, or an act committed in another state that involves a minor victim and
would constitute a violation of one of these sections if committed in this state.
An omnibus hearing is scheduled for January 22, 2024.
Colin Schaefer is currently listed on the active roster for Bemidji State’s Men’s Basketball team.
“Bemidji State University and Beaver Athletics are aware of the charges filed in Beltrami County against Colin Thomas Rudolph Schaefer. I can confirm that BSU has a currently enrolled student-athlete, a member of our men’s basketball team, whose name matches that of the person who was arrested,” explained Brian Kortz, the Associate Athletic Director for External Relations with Bemidji State. “Regarding his status on the BSU basketball team, Colin Schaefer is currently not participating in activities with the team.”