Black History Month kicks off with Transit Equity Day

Black History Month is celebrated throughout the month of February. The Duluth Transit Authority (DTA), in celebration has declared Transit Equity Day. This would allow buses in the Duluth community to offer free bus rides for February 3rd and February 4th.

Duluth City Council president, Janet Kennedy, would also talked more about the importance of equity for all including Black Americans. “To continue the tradition of Rosa Parks and the civil rights movement. I’m sharing that transit systems are affordable, accessible, and that people with varying heritages and ethnicities have full access to the benefit of public transit.” Kennedy said.

Henry Banks, the vice president of the Duluth Transit Authority Board, talked more about Transit Equity Day, as well as, Black History Month. “Transit Equity Day is celebrated on Rosa Parks’ birthday, which is tomorrow, February 4th. She would’ve have been 110 years old. I encourage you to learn about Reverend Dr. Polly Murray, to learn more about Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks.” Banks said.

But what are some other ways the Twin Ports Area can become a more diverse place and support the growing black community. Saraiya Piantek, a Duluth Community School Collaborative Coordinator at Denfeld High School also shared her thoughts. “People are learning. People are acknowledging and aware of their biases. I see so many more allies and I think now it’s more creating the spaces for people to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes then they’re ready to work through that. And the people who are not there yet, let us know what creates need for the place because we don’t have that. I don’t know where the gaps are to help educate and understand our BIPOC community.” Piantek said.

Saraiya says we also need teach diversity in our schools and provide quality education to everyone. “So that’s why there’s a huge clash on the west side of the east side. And just throughout the entire year and even in Denfeld High School, you kind of see it being a mini version of the community clashes there. And I think it just comes down to, for one thing, treating people better.” Piantek said.

For more information about Transit Equity Day you can look more here

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