40th Avenue W Bridge over I-35 to remain closed after it was hit by truck

WDIO-TV/Archive April 2024
Officials with the Minnesota Department of Transportion (MnDOT) says the 40th Avenue West bridge over I-35 will remain closed until further notice as crews assess the damage caused when a vehicle hit the bridge.
MnDOT says a truck traveling under the bridge was carrying a load that was too tall during the morning of Thursday, April 11. The 40th Avenue West bridge was hit in multiple locations and officials say there is damage to the bridge beams.
MnDOT is working with the statewide MnDOT bridge office and a contractor to fully determine the extent of the damage and what should be done to fix the bridge.
Motorists should find an alternate route. Officials do not know when the bridge will be open to the public.
A signed detour has been put in place, and traffic exiting from northbound I-35 will be directed onto Oneota St. to 37½ Ave. W, and then will follow W Michigan St. and W Superior St. back to 40th Ave. W.
Traffic coming on 40th Ave. W will be directed to take southbound I-35 and use the Central Ave. exit to turn around.