City of Ashland declares snow emergency

With heavy snow is expected along the South Shore, the City of Ashland has declared a winter snow emergency. This is in effect from 6:00pm Thursday evening through 12:00pm Saturday afternoon, or until all City streets are cleared of snow.
Ashland officials say parking is prohibited on all City streets during a snow emergency, so Public Works snow removal crews can clear streets efficiently and with minimal interference. Residents are asked to honor this parking change, and be patient while the roadways are cleared.
Once the storm is over and the snow emergency has expired, odd-even winter parking rules will go back in effect, with parking permitted on even-numbered sides of the street on even days and odd-numbered sides of the street on odd days. Off-street parking is allowed from midnight to 6:00am when the winter parking provisions are in effect.
The City says “No Parking 2:00am to 6:00am” provisions in the downtown will remain in effect.